Few weeks ago I was invited to Party Play Gaya Street launching by the owner Dominic. It felt like yesterday when i first attended his first branch in KK and here i'm attending the 3rd branch in KK. Thank you so much for all the invitation and congratulation to you! May your business ever blossom and ever strong in KK.
Guys, recently i have been into videography and i made 3 other videos in my youtube account. This is the recent video i made during Party Play event, i managed to solve the ratio video screen problem but there is a little hiccup in the background music at the end of the video. Not too bad i guess but there are more spaces to be improved.
How's the video? I hope you guys like the video. :) My main goal is to produce a 1 - 2 minutes of cinematic theme video or something like that. That way you don't need to wait longer for it to stream. I had 2 videos projects waiting for me to edit and they will be up next week. Do continue to support and share my blog! because it motivates me to get better in every aspect. Who knows maybe one day i start to do vlog. Well you know, in respond to what quality men should have. If you know what i mean. ;)
Hayden Chan
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